Refugee, immigrant and migrant communities face multiple
systems barriers that negatively affect health

This ECHO series is designed to increase medical providers' knowledge of the resettlement and health issues of newcomers, including refugee, immigrant and migrant (RIM) populations. It will review resettlement pathways, evidence-based screening recommendations, and more common diagnoses and treatment approaches for pediatric and adult populations.

Sessions include brief didactic presentations by immigrant health experts and discussion of participant-submitted cases. Participants are highly encouraged to submit de-identified patient cases for group discussion and expert consultation.

Registration is ongoing and participants can attend any sessions they wish.

Newcomer Health

Health care workers across the U.S. who provide care or who want to learn more about providing care for newcomers, including refugees, immigrants and migrants

Three monthly ECHO sessions held virtually
Last Tuesday of the month
8:00 AM PT | 9:00 AM MT | 10:00 AM CT | 11:00 AM ET
April 29  - June 24

Registration is ongoing and participants can attend any sessions they wish.


Application for CME credit has been filed with the American Academy of Family Physicians. Determination of credit is pending. Participants typically earn one credit per live-session attended. 

This Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD) activity was approved by Colorado Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation. Participants should only claim the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the series. Participants are expected to earn 1.0 contact hours/credits for each session completed.

In order to receive credit for this ECHO, series surveys must be completed by the indicated deadline.

Visit the Newcomer Health resources site.

In partnership with:

The Center of Excellence in Newcomer Health builds on existing infrastructure and its partners’ extensive experience to identify and monitor newcomer health issues and needs, contribute to evidence-based policies and guidance, and ultimately improve continuity of care and health outcomes for newcomers.


    Introduction to Newcomer Health: Clinic Setting

    April 29, 2025


    Introduction to Newcomer Health: Hospital Setting

    May 27, 2025


    Introduction to Newcomer Health in a Changing Landscape: Case-based Learning

    June 24, 2025