In a recent study conducted by Denver Health, a reported one out of every eight Denver residents is clinically depressed and not getting treatment. Scaling out, those numbers compound to reveal that 70% of Coloradoans that are depressed are not getting the treatment they need.
This report supports the integration of behavioral health care into primary care where screening, initial treatment, and proper care can be a starting point for patients to reduce the barriers of lengthy referrals and expedite treatment and follow-up care. With the shortage of mental health providers in the state, integrating care has been proven successful. “The model is effective because, according to Lomonaco’s previous research, patients are four times more likely to see a mental-health professional if one is in the office than if they are handed a piece of paper referring them elsewhere.”
ECHO Colorado supports the integration of behavioral health care through several offerings, including the upcoming Strategies for Behavioral Health Integration: Defining Roles and Responsibilities. By supporting the efforts of healthcare providers to identify and treat patients with behavioral health issues, we hope to be a resource to providers looking to offer treatment to their patients to decrease those needing care. We’ve partnered up with the Colorado State Innovation Model (SIM) and the University of Colorado Department of Family Medicine for this learning series (to be offered on Wednesdays, 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m., February 6 through March 6, 2019). Learn more here
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